$498.50 AUD

Due to the small size of the gathering, a true commitment is required.  Attendees can receive full refunds up to 30 days before our event start date and less 15% real and true administrative fees thereafter. And a 50% refund 2 weeks prior to the event, unless a replacement is found of there are extenuating circumstances.  Thank you for your thoughtful consideration and commitment :)

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TGM Online: November 2021 - 50% Off Returning Members

BEFORE Processing your purchase for ‘Transcending The God Matrix...

Please read this Important Information 

Firstly, I am truly honoured to see you're interested in joining me for the deep journey and the deep work we are about to embark upon together.  Thank you :)

However, there are a few things I would like to convey before we go any further, and I really invite you to sit with and consider all that I am about to share, so you are really clear that this is the right time for you to be taking this journey and genuinely honour your commitment here.

This is an excersise in honesty and clarity that respectfully honours both you and me and all others who are to participate.

Ok here goes...

This isn’t a sales course!
And this is not a flimsy spiritual assemblage.

It’s not a course that you can just show up to whenever you feel like it and watch a bunch of recordings after.

It’s a genuine commitment to showing up LIVE to each and every session.

I realise we are dealing with multiple time zones here, and for some of you - this may mean sitting up half the night. I understand that, yet I also know how important it is for you to be on the calls live.

Whilst I do share recordings of the calls, there is NO RECORDINGS available of the closure processes themselves.

I feel a great sense of responsibility with sharing this work - we are literally working with the biggest energies in the Universe - and it's super important that you attend live as I am holding and facilitating a space of energy in which you process this work. The Closures in this course will be some of THE MOST significant energetic processes you will ever do in your life. And are way too important to be treated as anything less than that.

There will be an email going out before we begin with more logistical details, however I first wanted to really make sure you feel the commitment that is required of you for this process before you say YES.

If you know it is the right time for you, it will be a deep graceful feeling that will emerge from within and I look forward to seeing you :))

If now is not the right time for you, then please it is important to honour that feeling and know that's perfectly ok.... you will know when it is.

I trust this has helped with you to get clear about the substantial nature of TGM and what it is we are looking to accomplish together.

In love, honour and respect


P.S: PLEASE sign up with the same email used for your login and membership subscription.  If you want to use a different email, please contact [email protected] 
Thank you!