$190.00 AUD

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We Are Infinite - Annually

Amazing fresh content each month including:

Monthly live Let's Talk webinar with George where a topic of relevance is discussed with Community Q&A.Inner Intelligence - tools and techniques to help you navigate the matrix and manage your inner state.
New podcast interviews with community members, global specialists and special briefings in response to world events.
PLUS content from the archives:

hundreds hours of content in membership site.
Cosmic Matrix Revealed Part One - the first 90 minutes of this online seminar series presenting George's unique perspective on the big picture of life.
Access to Super Woo Radio - including the many original podcast interviews with authors, speakers, healers and other experts sharing their knowledge and wisdom
And so much more...


Annual subscription to the membership community. All this content for AUD$190 per year, payable annually which cannot be refunded in part if cancellation is requesting in the middle of the billing period. Renews automatically until you cancel.