2024 Season
Been a while since the last one but so much more within George's Community right now!
with host George Kavassilas
~ Welcome to the home of Super Woo Radio ~
These are podcast-style interviews with open dialogue exploring new frontiers of our emerging humanity. The diverse range of topics covered are far beyond ordinary 'woo', they are super woo!
Super Woo Radio Episode 063
APRIL 2023
We have a beautiful guest to kick off this new season of Super Woo Radio for 2023 - Norman Vilches. Norman is incredibly creative and passionate about life and not only deeply knowledgeable of the inner workings of music but also all things humanitarian. Join us for this adventure into life as we journey into the uniquely different school of hard knocks through to the cultivation of wisdom and the future new world and system.
AUDIO ONLYSuper Woo Radio Episode 062
September 2022
In this magnificant episode of Super Woo Radio, I share a conversation with a soul brother who shares with me a deep love and caring for humanity. Hear more about "Earth Heroes TV - Conscious media for change-makers" a very interesting project!
VIEWSuper Woo Radio Episode 061
June 2022
In this magnificant episode of Super Woo Radio, prepare for a lighted, big conversation and passionate discussion on a very important topic to unpack with its many tentacles in so many places.

Episode 060 I Sept 2022
In this magnificant episode of Super Wood Radio, prepare for an exciting, adventurous, full of curiosity, sense of childhood dreams and love as we dive deep into a very nig journey; journey into life with an extra-ordinary Being, Jonathan MacDonald

Episode 059 I April 2022
In this episode of Super Woo Radio George is interviewing a dear friend, work colleague & SiStar in life in a very rich and nutritious experience.
In this special interview, Julia shares her dance of life to come to a complete circle where the life struggles and challenges are now behind her with Grail Leadership being birthed.

Episode 058 I Apr 2022
In this episode of Super Woo Radio I am very excited to introduce Enna Reittort. Definitely have a deep friendship and very ancient working relationships from other worlds.
Enna is defined as an anthropologist, author, linguist and her self definition, a peasant, which to her means "simply connected to the land". This juicy, fat, substantial conversation is a sharing of Enna's book and our aligned views.

Episode 057 I Apr 2022
In this episode of Super Woo Radio I am excited to be with an old mate who is a new friend. From the day we met, it was instant recognition!
Although we have not known each other long, in this lifetime, there is a definite connection with Steve McDonald.
In this special interview, more a jam session, Steve shares his big story of an adventurous life, connection with the land and nature, after connecting with his indigenous family and culture. George

Episode 056 I Apr 2021
In this episode of Super Woo Radio, I am so delighted and excited that I get this opportunity to speak to a dear colleague and cosmically speaking, a friend in life, Carla Fox.
In this special interview, Carla shares unique wisdom with her "Quantum Sphere Healing" and what she brings to the world. Carla's work correlates with my work in similar spaces and places as we engage in co-mastery. George

Episode 055 I Feb 2022
In this episode of Super Woo Radio I am honoured to finally meet and connect with a local, Aaron Shultz - another brother in life.
In this special interview, Aaron shares wisdom from his many life experiences and how it has guided him to leading the way to empower men in all walks of life by awakening to what we are meant to be. George

Episode 054 I Jan 2022
In this episode of Super Woo Radio I am super excited to be joined by true soul brother - James Pask.
In this special interview, James shares wisdom of nature based empowerment, transmuting fear and grounding into our organic way of being. George

Episode 053 I Dec 2021
In this episode of Super Woo Radio I am super excited to be joined by a special friend of Jason's and mine - Catherine Austin Fitz.
In this incredible interview, Catherine shares her wisdom of worldly events and what we could be expecting on the geo-political agenda in the coming years and how to exist outside their dystopian field of control. George

Episode 052 I Nov 2021
In this episode of Super Woo Radio I am super excited to be joined by a soul sister from across the seas - Femke van Hof.
In this spectacular interview, Femke shares what happened when she put down her paintbrush one day, feeling an experience coming on and the incredible journey that followed - the experience of being a God! George